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Developer Box 1.2

Announcing the availability of Developer Box, version 1.2. For those of you running version 1.1, this update will appear in the WP admin dashboard, allowing you to grab and update in a no fuss manner.

Should you be seeking help, guidance or any manner of support for this specific theme, please see the FAQs below. If that does not help, Please make use of our email link regarding your support requirements. Someone from our technical support team will follow up quickly.

If you do not already have this superlative theme, you may want to Visit the Store to purchase the latest theme version available.

Or click below to immediately add the theme to your cart. Then follow the PayPal steps to pay with a credit/debit card or your PayPal account.

$15.95Add to cart


This new version is fully responsive, optimized for page speed, containing security and content enhancements, along with a minor deprecation, or two. For example, server security is at the forefront with htaccess directives to help secure the WordPress platform generally and the theme in particular; the header image can now just be an uploaded logo, 280 pixels wide; we no longer support IE7.

WordPress page speed gets a bump through the addition of inline CSS for “above-the-fold” content as generated by the Critical Path CSS generator, then edited by the Rez72 Avocado Theme Engineers for brevity and 100% effectiveness. The main jQuery file is now delivered asynchronously, along with jQuery migrate and all theme-related JS.

According to the latest metrics from Google PageSpeed Insights, DBox returns 97/100 for Mobile, 99/100 for Mobile UX, and 95/100 for Desktop, with a server response time of 0.32 and 0.60 seconds respectively.

According to the latest metrics from GTMetrix, DBox returns PageSpeed Score: 98%, YSlow Score: 95%, Page Load Time: 0.8s, Total Page Size: 98KB, HTTP-Requests: 8.

Mind you, this is all about providing guidance and value as theme performance immediately upon activation.

The theme’s “read me” file contains all of the important info.


• All code is developed according to WordPress’ best practices
• Enhanced security features for WP and theme files utilizing the htaccess file along with the theme’s functions file.
• Child-theme prepped and available in theme `_help` directory.
• Automatic Update.
• Mobile-first, Responsive Layout.
• Custom Color Schemes as default, light gray, dark gray.
• Custom Header.
• Social Links.
• Post Formats.
• Text widget [shortcode] operability.

This theme attempts to fight code bloat through the following additions to the theme’s functions file —

• Disabled WP emoji functionality.
• Removing query strings from static resources.
• Minification of HTML, inline CSS and JS.
• Provision for async or defer delivery of wp_enqueue_scripts along with options to unhook async/defer for selected scripts using filters.
• Lazy loading of images.
• Font options include Merriweather serif for body text, Montserrat as a sans-serif for h-tags, Inconsolata for code related stuff, plus OpenSans and Rambla standing by as part of our webfontkit.
• Font options also include Genericons as default, plus Font-Awesome standing by as part of the webfontkit.

Consequently, DBox takes another giant step toward tighter site security and page speed optimization immediately upon deployment and update of the htaccess file – DBox is most friendly when it comes to above the fold issues, including prioritizing content, minimizing http requests, HTML and inline CSS and JS minification, deferring JS files and lazy loading of images for page and post content, all without adding one single plugin for these functionalities.


Version 1.2, release date: May 1, 2016

• Enhanced security edition, providing example directives in a sample htaccess file for file and directory hardening, plus removal of wp-login error msgs from within functions.php; related security suggestions are of the order of denying access to the htaccess file itself, the wp-config file and everything within the wp-content directory with additional fine-tunings for certain file extensions in the uploads directory. Security suggestions also include how to eliminate the editor links for admin -> appearance and plugins using wp-config. This last prevents a hacker from editing all theme-related elements and any plugins.

• Dropped support for IE7

• Removed title attribute from search field

• Prevented overflowing of fieldsets on small screens

• jQuery: de-registered then re-registered for async delivery via filtering the script loader tag in functions file

• jQuery: Replaced use of the .load() method for the “load” event with .on( ‘load’, handler )

• Added site logo functionality as alterntive to a header image

• Added selective refresh support for site title and tagline

• Added customize-selective-refresh-widgets to theme support

1.1 — Plotted prioritized content, enabled the deactivation of WP Emoji’s, enabled minification of HTML, inline CSS and JS, lazy image loading and deferring JS files delivered via wp_enqueue_scripts. Included Child-theme and htaccess file examples in the theme’s `_help` directory.

1.0 — First stable release with above-the-fold consideration for prioritized content.

Support Forum:

There is no Support Forum at this time. Please use the support email link above to send an email request for theme support.

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